Thursday, January 10, 2019

5 Excellent Reasons to Read

Did you know that reading can increase your life by two years?  I think that is incredible, especially because I like to read.

Yale researchers studied 3,635 people older than 50 and found that those who read books for 30 minutes a day lived an average of 23 months longer than nonreaders. National Center for Biotechnology Information

Reading also improves productivity by increasing your memory, problem solving skills and creativity. Reading can also reduce stress and enhance sleep quality. 

1.  Improves memory
Psychologists from Washington University found that every time you read something you build a mental picture in your head of what you have read.  This results in the creation of new neural pathways which strengthens mental capabilities by making us smarter and more capable of remembering things.  Graziadaily  Reading works different parts of the brain as compared to watching a movie or listening to music.  People who read more have more complex brains.  Bustle

2.  Improves problem solving skills
Research has shown that reading improves your vocabulary and knowledge.  This improves your abstract reasoning and problem solving ability.  George Ambler   Reading is a problem-solving task. Comprehending what is read, like problem solving, requires effort, planning, self-monitoring, strategy selection, and reflection.  All Kinds of Minds

3.  Improves creativity
Readers of literary fiction are more creative and exercise better judgment, claim scientists. Reading challenges your thinking and helps you see the world from a different perspective which improves creativity. Daily Mail 
4. Reduces stress
A 2009 study from researchers at the University of Sussex showed that six minutes of reading reduces stress by 68% and is more relaxing than either music or a cup of tea. This suggests, psychologist and study author Dr. David Lewis, is because a book is 'more than merely a distraction, but an active engaging of the imagination', and one that 'causes you to enter an altered state of consciousness'. Graziadaily

5.  Enhances sleep quality
Reading has been shown to put our brains into a pleasurable trance-like state, similar to meditation. The UK Sleep Council found that people who are in the habit of reading before they go to sleep, sleep very well.  It makes perfect sense that an activity that reduces stress is beneficial before bed.  Reading is also a better alternative to watching TV or scrolling through your phone. These emit blue light which tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime.  Dreams

If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. Rowling

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