Thursday, October 18, 2018

Snacking for Energy

Feeling energetic is key to feeling happy.  Studies show that when you feel energetic, you feel much better about yourself. Psychology Today

Healthy snacks can prevent your blood sugar levels from dropping too much between meals leaving you feeling tired and lethargic.  Healthy Eating  Nutritious snacking throughout the day maintains your energy levels by providing strength and vitality for sustained physical and mental activities. Live Strong

Healthy snacks should be eaten halfway between meals to keep energy levels consistent.  Eating snacks every three to four hours will fuel your metabolism, help prevent blood-sugar crashes and prevent binge eating.   Best Health Magazine  

In addition to providing energy throughout the day, snacking between meals has other  benefits:  
  1. High protein snacks help you feel fuller longer and eat less at the next meal.*
  2. High protein snacks provide a mental boost because amino acids increase production of neurotransmitters that regulate concentration and alertness. Everyday Health 
  3. Snacks help eliminate postmeal sleepiness that comes from consuming too many calories at one sitting. Everyday Health 
  4. Healthy snacks after exercising can speed up muscle recovery. Healthy Eating
  5.  Snacking can lower cholesterol. Little Things
  6.  Healthy snacks can help with weight control.  Snacking regulates our metabolism so that our bodies don't store fat when we are hungry.*
  7. Nutritious snacks can help meet daily dietary requirements. Healthy Eating
Ideas for healthy snacks include:  beef jerky, 1% cottage cheese and strawberries, 2% plain greek yogurt, avocado, string cheese, orange, pistachios, Cheerios and 2% milk, apple, and peanut butter and celery.  

*Zinczenko, David, Goulding, Matt, Eat This Not That. Rodale Inc., 2012, pp. 220. 

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