Thursday, October 4, 2018

Essential oils for cleaning and allergy relief

Do you ever get a headache or have respiratory issues when you clean your bathrooms and kitchen?  I do and I am not just imagining this.

Commercial cleaning solutions contain volatile organic compounds which can cause headaches and other health problems.  Also, added fragrances  (i.e. Lemon) contain phthalates which  have been labeled as "probable carcinogens"  VOC's in Household Cleaners Fragrances in Household Cleaners 

Several years ago I started making my own vinegar and water cleaning solution for the areas I clean most often.  Recently I started adding essential oils to the solution to increase  effectiveness and provide a pleasant smell.

An essential oil is a concentrated liquid containing aroma compounds from plants.  They are commonly used in aromatherapy for relaxation and stress management.  Orange, mint, peppermint, cedar wood, lemon and eucalyptus are some of the most popular oils.  Wikipedia  

Essential oils have been used for medicines and remedies for thousands of years.  There is evidence of the use of essential oils in the period of 3000 -2500 BC.  It is believed they were being used at this time in Egypt, China and India. Essential Oils History

Essential Oils have antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties.  Cleaning With Essential Oils  Oils that are good for cleaning include lemon, peppermint, and tea tree.  Huffington Post Essential Oils

I use 10 drops of peppermint oil with a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar in a 28 ounce spray bottle to clean my kitchen counters, sink and stove top.  It makes my entire kitchen sparkly clean with a fresh scent.

I also use a homemade cleaning solution for the Swifter floor mop.  I add a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar with 20 drops of tea tree oil to the 42 ounce swifter bottle.  It is easy to transfer a homemade cleaning solution into an empty Swifter bottle. The bottle cap can be unscrewed using a pair of pliers. 


Homemade cleaning solutions can also be used to clean the refrigerator, drains, toilets, carpet and windows. Better Homes and Garden 

Essential oils also provide allergy relief.  For example Lavender can help soothe symptoms during allergy season by reducing inflammation.  One study concluded that Lavender oil prevents allergic inflammation as well as enlargement of mucous cells. Essential Oils for Allergies

Shower Steamers can help relieve allergy symptoms (headache, congestion and sinus pressure).  A shower steamer with an essential oil can be placed on the floor of the shower to diffuse the oil while the shower is on.

I originally received a Shower Steamer From Nautilus Soap as a gift.  I loved it and decided to make my own using peppermint oil. 

The Garden Therapy Shower Steamer Recipe only requires three ingredients besides the water and oil.  Ice cube trays worked well for the mold.  I bought the citric acid and baking soda at a local store that sells bulk items.  Witch hazel is located in the pharmacy department at Walmart.

The shower steamers turned out great!  Whenever I have a headache or sinus pressure I put one in the shower. 

Shower steamers don't have to be used only for allergy relief.  They can also be used to invigorate or relax by adding specific essential oils (orange for energy, lavender for calm).  

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