Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Core Strength is Important but Subtle

We have all heard about the importance of core strength.  However, to improve and maintain core strength push ups and sit ups are required.  This is not the kind of activity I like.

However, I know I need it.

Therefore my strategy is to obtain the core strength I need to keep myself strong for activities that I enjoy.  I do the bare minimum and complete core strength exercises two times per week to maintain strength.

In my experience the benefits of core strength are subtle.   I have noticed some changes in my body recently because I have not been doing my core strength exercises for the last couple of months due to an injury.

While running I start to lean slightly forward when I get tired due to lack of strength in my back and mid-section.  I also notice that I slouch more when I am sitting.  And my back gets tired when I am riding my bike.

It takes about  2 - 3 weeks of doing the core strength exercises before I notice an improvement.  This is probably because my exercise routine is not very rigorous and I only do it two times per week.

I developed my exercise routine based on where I thought my body needed strength.  I included several exercises that I learned at Seung-ni Fit Club a couple of years ago.  It only takes about 20 minutes and during that time I listen to music or watch tv.

My routine focuses on core (back, neck, chest, belly) and arms.  I don't include legs because a lot of the activities I enjoy already improve and maintain leg muscles.  I don't do a lot of activities that build arm strength so it is important to me to have strong arms.

By including arm strength exercises I have noticed my arm muscles are more defined due to lean muscle mass.  See previous blog "Muscles for Weight Loss" about the benefits of lean muscle mass.

My routine is given below.

1.  Pre-exercise stretching: video

2.  Arms (using 8 lbs weights)
  • Basic curl -  50 curls for each arm video
  • Side bends -  50 on each side video
  • Dumbbell shoulder press - 15 for each arm  video
  • Dumbbell rear upright row  20 for each arm side video
  • Push ups - 10 - 15  video
3.  Core

You should try this workout for a couple of weeks and see if you have an improvement in core and arm strength.  Don't forget you will really have to pay attention to your body to notice the improvements as they are effective but subtle.

This routine can be modified based on your needs and other activities that you do.

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for— thank you! I’ll keep you posted on any noticeable progress!
