Monday, April 23, 2018

Being Healthy is a Lifestyle

I live a healthy lifestyle because I am happier.  I feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.  I am in a better mood, I can think faster, am sharper at work and my muscles feel better when they are stretched out.  

There are lots of other reason to live a healthy life style: longer life, better body image, better skin tone, etc.  And there are lots of reasons people do not: time commitment, don’t believe in the advantages, can’t exercise due to an injury or illness, etc.

There are several things I have done to incorporate a healthy lifestyle: 

  • Pack my own snacks when I take a road trip, keep healthy snacks at work, pack healthy lunch for work
  • Consider walking routes when moving to a new neighborhood
  • Go to bed early in order to get up early in the morning to exercise
  • Check out running locations when first arriving at vacation location
  • Limit alcohol intake so that I can exercise in the morning
  • Enjoy gong to health food stores to find the latest fad (protein pasta, frozen endgame beans, etc.)
  • Stop roller blading because it bothers my knees
  • Use a step counter and walk the halls at work to track the number of steps
  • Would rather go for a walk after work than go out to eat
  • Eat before going to a party.
  • Limit the amount of junk food, snacks and deserts
What do you do for a healthy lifestyle?

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